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NFC ve QR-code?!

NFC ve QR-code?! Let’s look into the details of these two technologies so that you can make the most informed decision.

NFC technology – be the first! NFC marketing is the trend of the coming decade

NFC marketing is a contactless marketing channel used to interact with a location or physical object over a short distance.

Tell everything you want with NFC!

We will create a unique package for you with built-in NFC technology, and you will be absolutely sure that you will beat your competitors in the fight for customer attention.

Bukleti, brošūras un katalogi – kāpēc kvalitatīva papīra produktu apdruka ir tik nozīmīga?

Bukleti, brošūras un katalogi – kāpēc kvalitatīva papīra produktu apdruka ir tik nozīmīga?

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